5 Foods That Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels

5 Foods That Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels

People with hectic lifestyle and irregular eating habits often suffer from high cholesterol levels. While indulging in physical activity is healthy, it is equally important to eat foods that help control cholesterol. High level of cholesterol in blood can stick to the walls of arteries and block their ways. These five foods will help keep your cholesterol levels in check.

Whole Grains
Whole grains contain high amount of soluble fibre that not only give energy to your body but reduce the heart risks as well. Wholegrains such as barley, oats and oat bran contain beta-glucan which helps in reducing bad cholesterol level. There are various food items that contain oats in the form of beta glucan, so you can easily get your dietary servings of the nutrient.

Fruits and Vegetables
Fibrous fruits and vegetables are rich in soluble fibre which reduces cholesterol level and keeps your heart, liver and stomach healthy. In fruits, you can include apple, banana, papaya, citrus fruits and strawberries. Green leafy vegetables are good options to include in your diet. Remember to eat fruits and vegetables.

Low density lipoprotein or LDL are bad cholesterol that increases your risk of heart attack. High-density Lipoprotein (HDL) sometimes called good cholesterol, keeps the heart healthy. Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, herring, and mackerel are enriched with the goodness of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Steaming and stewing are the healthiest way to cook fish. Along with controlling cholesterol level, omega-3s keeps protects your heart from blood clots as well.

Certain Nuts
There are various foods that help control cholesterol and including unsaturated foods in your diet can be a good option. Vegetable oil such as olive oil, sunflower, corn, nut and seed oils will increase the nutrition density of your food. Oily fish are also a healthy source of unsaturated fats that keeps your cholesterol level in check. Walnuts are high in polyunsaturated fat that enhances your heart’s health. Almonds are rich in L-arginine amino acid, which help in the production of nitric acid. This helps in the regulation of blood pressure.

Legumes or pulses belong to plant food group and are rich in healthy nutrients. Legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils contain a lot of fiber, minerals, and proteins. A diet supplemented with legumes will improve blood cholesterol, which, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attack. These food items are also associated with weight loss. Including legumes in your diet will reduce the risk of fatal as well as non-fatal heart disease.

High level of blood cholesterol is associated with a number of major heart diseases and illnesses. You can easily lower these risks by including these foods that help control cholesterol. Increasing intake of these food items will keep your heart healthy.