5 Foods to Avoid With PAH

5 Foods to Avoid With PAH

Making healthy food choices is important for overall good health. However, for those who have been diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), the food choices they make are vital as some foods can increase blood pressure. Here is a list of foods to avoid in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.

  • Salt – Limiting or avoiding the consumption of packaged foods is essential when you have PAH. Check the salt content in snacks such as potato corn chips, salted nuts, and pretzels before you buy them. Pickled and canned foods are food to avoid in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, as they most often contain salt as a preservative. Hence, limit your use of packaged or bottled sauces such as spaghetti sauce and curry sauce. Using and consuming fresh ingredients such as herbs and spices, including basil, ginger, and rosemary to flavor your food, might be a good way to reduce your consumption of salt. Also, tasting your food before adding salt could be useful. Avoid using condiments such as soy sauce, sweet relish, and mustard as they too contain high amounts of salt. If you limit your use of salt gradually over time, you will hardly notice the difference.
  • Processed meats – Limit or avoid consuming processed meats such as hot dogs, bacon, and sausages as they contain high amounts of sodium. Always check the label of canned meats and bread or battered foods, both fresh and frozen, for the sodium content.
  • Stimulants – Among the beverages and foods to avoid in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension are stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol as they affect your blood pressure. Opt for tea instead of coffee. Sip on non-alcoholic cocktails and juices instead of alcohol. Avoiding these stimulants will help you sleep better as well.
  • Dark leafy greens – The symptoms of PAH can aggravate when there is a deficiency of iron in the body. Although dark leafy greens are rich in iron, they also contain a high amount of vitamin K, which has an impact on the effectiveness of blood-thinning medications. It is, therefore, advisable to consult your doctor on your daily requirement of vitamin K.
  • Sugar and fats – Foods to avoid in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension are those that are high in sugar and fats, as this can lead to obesity. Limit your intake of junk food and sugary drinks to keep your weight in check. This will also help to avoid health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Keeping a food journal will help you track what you consume and manage your weight.

In addition to these foods to avoid in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, it is also necessary to keep track of the amount of fluid that is consumed. Excessive fluid intake can result in fluid retention, which puts pressure on the heart.