5 Lifestyle Tips to Effectively Manage Cervical Cancer

5 Lifestyle Tips to Effectively Manage Cervical Cancer

The cervix is the lowermost portion of the uterus, and tumors that develop there result in cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer type that affects women globally. In this country alone, the American Cancer Society estimated a total of 13,800 cases of cervical cancer for the year 2020. Here are a few lifestyle changes that can help manage cervical cancer:

Staying away from smoking
One of the vital lifestyle changes to manage cervical cancer is to stay away from smoking. If one has been a smoker before the diagnosis, then it is time to completely quit the habit. Smoking can damage healthy cells in the body and can hinder the treatment processes. It can also expedite the growth of new tumors in the body.

Losing weight
Studies show that an increase in weight after a cancer diagnosis or recovery is a risk factor of cervical cancer. In fact, obesity is considered a comorbidity that puts cancer survivors under stress. To keep the risks of tumors away, it is important that one checks their weight and fat levels and makes sure that they don’t lose the healthy weight.

Monitoring alcohol intake
Alcohol can disrupt the effectiveness of medications one takes for cancer. One can talk to their doctor and understand if they are allowed to consume alcohol during and after the treatment process. Cutting back on the alcohol intake can definitely help in smoother recovery.

Being physically active
Another important lifestyle change to help manage cervical cancer is to become physically active. Starting the day by slow walking and then switching to mild jogging and yoga, and even moving on to more physically strenuous workouts can be tremendously effective. Physical workout helps in multiple ways. It helps bring down mental stress levels and maintain healthy BMI levels. Being active also helps one spring back stronger after a cancer treatment.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet
Most people start losing weight after their chemotherapy and radiation sessions. They also feel tired and fatigued, thanks to their cancer. One way to recover from this is to start eating a healthy and nutritious diet, along with the prescribed medication. Homemade food is highly recommended. Once should include a lot of healthy proteins and good fats to restore lost muscle mass and weight. It is also crucial to consume complex carbohydrates over simple ones, as they will help regain lost energy levels. Dietary supplements can also increase energy levels.

Cervical cancer has a higher recovery rate when it is diagnosed and treated early. The above-mentioned lifestyle changes can help one to bounce back from the effects of the disease. One should talk to their doctor if they feel tired or worn out during and after the treatment.