5 Odors That Trigger Migraines

5 Odors That Trigger Migraines

Migraines are a neurological condition that’s much more than a headache. With characteristics such as pulsating pain on one side of the head, nausea, dizziness, and sensitivity to light and sound migraines can greatly impact normal life. Usually migraines are triggered by external factors (i.e., odors, lighting, weather, etc.). The following odors, in particular, are common migraine triggers:

1. Food odors
Strong smells are a common migraine trigger, which unfortunately includes food odors. Certain foods have a tendency to produce thick odors, especially when being cooked. Consider foods such as greasy meats, spices, and pungent smells from onions or garlic.

2. Perfumes
Fragrance is something that can also cause and worsen a migraine. Fragrance, cologne and perfumes can infiltrate the air surrounding you, as well as the fact that pleasure from the scent of certain fragrances is a subjective concept. In places such as enclosed spaces (i.e., elevators), perfume sections in malls or candle stores, the combination of different odors is enough to cause the onset of a migraine as well.

3. Cleaning chemicals
Cleaning supplies are a common culprit for migraines as well, since they are often made up of chemical ingredients (i.e., bleach) with harsh odors. Common cleaners such as Pine Sol, and Clorox while fully equipped with chemicals used to break through grime and grease may have a negative effect on migraines when breathed in.

4. Candles or air fresheners
Like perfume, fragrances from candles or air fresheners can overwhelm the senses and trigger a migraine. Though it may be different for everyone, some fragranced candles and air fresheners can trigger a migraine if they contain certain chemicals or strong fragrances. Many store bought candles and air fresheners also contain formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, limonene, alcohol and esters, which are linked to headaches, dizziness and allergy symptoms to asthma attacks, and breathing issues.

5. Cigarette smoke
A harsh smell that has a potential to cause many different health problems is the odor of cigarette smoke. Made up of burning tar and nicotine, breathing in this smoke (i.e., smoking or second hand) may cause irritation of the nose and the throat, which can cause migraine symptoms when air flow is interrupted.

Migraine triggers (including those listed above) can be avoided and potentially prevent and protect against migraines. If you suffer from chronic migraines, speak to your doctor about how Nurtec migraine medication and Advil migraine medication for migraine headaches can help alleviate frequency and severity of migraine symptoms.