5 Safe Methods of Birth Control

5 Safe Methods of Birth Control

While having a child is a special feeling, an unplanned pregnancy can be stressful for both the partners. Birth control measures are methods that help prevent unwanted pregnancy. Each method will vary in terms of ease of usage and effectiveness. What are some of the safest birth control measures available in the country? This article will answer the question for you.

Condoms are one of the most commonly used birth control methods all over the world. While there are both male and female condoms available, the former is more popular. If you consider ease of use as a factor, then condoms are a classic. If use correctly, condoms have an effectiveness rate of 97 percent and are safe for both partners.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped device, which is inserted into the uterus. IUDs come in various types, with the copper one having a success rate of 99 percent. Once inserted, the effectiveness of the device can last for up to 12 years and does not hinder everyday activities.

Vaginal rings
The list will not be complete without mentioning vaginal rings. They are safe and convenient when used properly. This ring is to be inserted into the vagina. Once inserted, it releases hormones estrogen and progesterone into the vagina, preventing the ovaries from releasing an egg. These rings are to be replaced every month and are 91 percent effective.

Birth control pills
Birth control pills contain a mix of hormones estrogen and progesterone that help curb ovulation in the woman’s body. When no ovulation happens, no eggs are released, and hence there is no chance of pregnancy. These pills have to be taken every day for a stipulated period of time, and are 91 percent effective. You need to have a prescription before using a birth control pill.

Vasectomy is a procedure in which the tubes (vas deferens) that carry sperms to the urethra are cut and blocked. While the man can still ejaculate, the semen will not contain live sperms.

Tubal litigation
Tubal litigation is performed on women, wherein the fallopian tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus are blocked.

The type of birth control method you choose will also depend on your anatomy and goal. Opt for condoms if you want temporary solutions. If you want to have a set birth control technique in place then IUDs work well. For those looking for permanent options, both vasectomy and tubal litigation can prove to be effective.