6 Natural Ways to Treat Acid Reflux

6 Natural Ways to Treat Acid Reflux

Acid reflux or heartburn is quite a common and unpleasant condition. Several over-the-counter medications can help relieve this condition, but eating spicy or acidic foods can trigger it. Apart from taking medications, here are a few tips to manage acid reflux naturally:

  • Consume baking soda and water : Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water and drink it. This will help neutralize the stomach acids, as baking soda is a base substance. You can use this effective tip to manage acid reflux naturally as often as required. That said, do not drink more than seven glasses of this mixture in a day, and avoid using this remedy for more than a week, as it has high salt content and can cause side effects like nausea and swelling.
  • Don’t lie down after a meal : One of the tips to manage acid reflux naturally is not to lie flat when your stomach is full, as it increases the pressure on the esophageal sphincter and can result in heartburn and acid reflux. Lying down in a slightly elevated position with a pillow wedged under you can help prevent acid reflux. Try to sit or stand for a while after a heavy meal, and eat at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Sip on ginger tea : Ginger has many useful properties and is well known for its ability to relieve stomach issues like nausea, acid reflux, and stomach ache. You can simmer a few slices of ginger root in water for 30 minutes and drink this tea before a meal for the best results.
  • Follow a nutritious diet : One of the easiest and simplest tips to manage acid reflux naturally is to watch what you eat and avoid trigger foods like sodas, peppermint, citrus juices, and high-fat foods. Keeping a food diary can prove useful in identifying and avoiding trigger foods. Eating more fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables and reducing the portion size during meals can also help. Eat smaller and more frequent meals instead of three large meals in a day, which can trigger heartburn. Also, take smaller bites of food when eating.
  • Manage your weight : Acid from the stomach can be pushed up into the esophagus, causing heartburn due to excess abdominal fat. Similarly, wearing tight clothes like skin-tight jeans or a tight belt can press down on the stomach and lead to heartburn. So, managing your weight is essential to prevent acid reflux.
  • Chew gum : Chewing stimulates saliva production, which acts as a buffer and prevents acid reflux. Also, when chewing, you tend to swallow more often, which pushes the acid out of the esophagus and back into the stomach. Opt for sugar-free gum to protect your teeth.

These tips to manage acid reflux naturally can be useful. That said, you should go to a doctor if you experience acid reflux more than a couple of times a week, as frequent heartburn can cause strictures and inflammation in the esophagus.