6 Foods and Beverages That Trigger Heavy Sweating

6 Foods and Beverages That Trigger Heavy Sweating

Sweating occurs when there is a rise in body temperature, like when one has a fever. It’s the body’s way of cooling down naturally, but many also sweat in other cases, including when they eat certain foods. Listed here are a few foods that can cause excessive sweating:

  • Spicy foods : The most common foods that can cause excessive sweating are spicy foods. Spicy food tends to trick your body into thinking it’s hot, and you start sweating to cool down. Similarly, when you eat items like hot peppers that have capsaicin, a chemical that triggers the nerve receptors in the mouth and causes the nervous system to think that it is hot, your sweat glands start working to cool you down. Apart from sweating, your eyes may water, you may have a runny nose, and your face may feel flushed.
  • Alcohol : You must have noticed that drinking alcohol or an alcoholic beverage makes you sweat. This is because the alcohol causes the blood vessels to get dilated, resulting in a rise in body temperature, which, in turn, leads to sweating.
  • Soup : Another common food that can cause excessive sweating is soup or any other warm/hot beverage, like tea. This could be due to the beverage’s high temperature and your body finding a way to cool down.
  • Coffee : The caffeine present in coffee is a well-known stimulant that can impact the central nervous system. This boost or stimulation of the central nervous system can also cause the sweat glands to start working, so regardless of whether it’s hot or iced, coffee is counted among the foods that can cause excessive sweating.
  • High-sodium foods : Chips, pickles, and other foods that are extremely salty or have high sodium content can make you sweat excessively. Consuming too much salt causes your body to try to get rid of it by sweating, so it’s advisable to limit your sodium consumption to about 4 grams per day to avoid excessive sweating. It can also prove helpful to check the sodium content in packaged food items before picking them off the shelves in the supermarket.
  • Sweets and sugary foods : Consuming foods that are high in sugar can cause you to sweat profusely. This is because your body works to produce more insulin, the hormone that processes sugar and converts it into energy. This could also result in a condition known as reactive hypoglycemia, which refers to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. Sweating is one of the leading symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Although several foods can cause excessive sweating, you should consult your doctor if you sweat profusely when eating because it can indicate a rare condition known as gustatory hyperhidrosis or Frey’s syndrome.