A Guide to Setting Up a Budget-Friendly Home Gym

A Guide to Setting Up a Budget-Friendly Home Gym

Investing in a personal gym at home doesn’t always have to be expensive. People who are on a budget can also set up their own gym at home with careful planning. This guide to setting up a home gym on a budget might help you build a solid workout routine, irrespective of the space.

Find the right space
Firstly, you need to decide where you can set up your home gym. You can use any unused corner of your home, a vacant garage, or a spare room or outdoor space, according to your workout needs.

Buy cost-effective equipment
Setting up a home gym on a budget also largely depends on the workout equipment that you will require. These equipment depend on your fitness goals and need not always be expensive. There are three ways in which to buy workout equipment when you have a tight budget. You can go for used equipment, build your own equipment, or buy new equipment from service providers at a low costs.

A budget-friendly home gym is also dependent on the strength training equipment that you choose. For muscle training, invest in a set of dumbbells and resistance bands. Dumbbells are a useful investment and you can get a set or more depending on your space and budget. Resistance bands are great strength tool that take up less space and are cost-effective too. You can perform weightlifting workouts with these bands. For strengthening your upper body, you can buy a pull-up bar. For abdominal work, get stability balls, which work best for home gyms. A workout bench is a must-have for a safe strength-training routine, and you can always buy a basic-level bench if you are short on cash.

Find alternatives for cardio
Workout machines are expensive, and when on a budget, you can opt for other ways to do your cardio, such as yoga, which require little to no equipment. However, if you cannot do without a cardio machine, then go for bikes that are cheaper or offered at discounted rates. Enhance your cardio exercises with a kettlebell, which is an ideal equipment for full-body toning.

Go low post workout
For post-workout recovery, there are low-cost tools that can be ideal for your budget home gym. A foam roller works well to speed up recovery and reduce muscle fatigue. You can also use a TRX fit system or resistance bands, depending on your budget.

Customize your gym
If your home is not floored with carpet, then buying padded flooring is a good idea to make your exercising time comfortable and prevent slip-ups and injuries. A yoga mat or jump mat can also be used for doing yoga or exercises. Make your small space look larger, and correct your form and prevent injuries with a full-size mirror. You can also set up a TV or tablet if you like streaming videos during workout sessions.

Many people choose setting up their own gym at home to the back-and-forth that comes with visiting an actual gym. We hope this guide on setting up a budget gym at home will help you reach your fitness goals.