Beneficial Foods for COPD

Beneficial Foods for COPD

If you have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you should make changes to the kinds of foods you eat every day. While your food does not actually cure the condition, it helps you become stronger, improves your immunity, and prevents constant infections. Here are expert tips on what to eat if you have COPD.

Grass-fed meat
In the list of expert tips on what to eat if you have COPD , grass-fed meat is placed on top. Meat is a rich source of proteins, which is important to build your respiratory muscles and prevent muscle loss and tissue damage. Grass-fed meat is the healthiest of all kinds of meat and will prevent symptoms of COPD like weight loss and body pain.

Nuts and seeds
Many people with COPD have lower BMI levels and lack the necessary nutrition needed for everyday functioning. Including lots of healthy nuts and seeds in your everyday diet will help put on healthy weight and muscle mass. You can eat nuts and seeds raw or roast them for extra taste. You can also add these as toppings and dressings with your soups and salads.

Complex carbohydrates over simple carbs
Carbohydrates are essential macros needed to fill you up. However, what kind of carbs you choose matter a lot. Complex carbohydrates do not spike up your blood sugar levels like simple carbs. These are also high in fiber and keep your digestive system protected. Choose complex carbs, such as the following.

  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • All kinds of lentils
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Bran

Colorful fruits and vegetables
Make sure your plate has at least 2-3 portions of vegetables and fruits every single time you eat. Fruits and vegetables are anti-oxidant rich and healthy for the body. These improve the immune system and fight inflammation too. One of the main expert tips on what to eat in COPD is to mix colorful veggies and fruits in your diet every day. This makes sure your nutrient needs for the day are met easily.

Potassium-rich foods
It is no secret that potassium is one of the most important nutrients for the healthy functioning of the lungs. If you have been diagnosed with COPD, make sure you include a lot of potassium-rich foods in your meals every day. This will control COPD symptoms like breathing difficulty and cough. Some of the top foods rich in potassium are as follows:

  • Bananas
  • Oranges
  • Beetroots
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocados
  • Asparagus
  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • Dried fruits like dates, raisins, and prunes

All these expert tips on what to eat in COPD will help you create a diet plan that keeps you healthy, and brings down the condition’s uncomfortable symptoms. Apart from these foods, avoid fried snacks, packaged foods, and excess salt and you can beat COPD like a champ.