Food to Eat and Avoid for Arthritis and Joint Support

Food to Eat and Avoid for Arthritis and Joint Support

Arthritis is characterized by swelling in one or more joints of the body. This predominantly occurs in older people, but in some cases, children may also get affected. Along with proper medications, you need to avoid certain foods that can increase inflammation and worsen your condition. So, listed below is a diet plan for arthritis patients that can bring a significant change in their overall health.

Fatty fish
While planning an arthritis-friendly diet, you must include fatty fish. These fish varieties, including sardines, mackerel, and salmon, are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that with their anti-inflammatory properties help reduce pain, stiffness and inflammation. Those on a vegetarian diet can consume flaxseeds, almonds, walnuts, and macadamia nuts, as they are also excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Non-fat dairy
An effective diet plan for arthritis patients should include non-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese in everyday meals. As these will help the sufferers to combat pain and get rid of inflammation. Also, protein, calcium, and vitamin D present in them can strengthen the bones.

Green leafy vegetables
Leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, are rich in vitamin D and antioxidants, both of which help boost the immune system and ease the symptoms of arthritis. While cooking these vegetables, it is advisable to add some garlic as it fights the enzymes, which otherwise can destroy cartilage.

Cherries provide a great number of antioxidants and contain an anti-inflammatory compound that can repair damaged cells and reduce inflammation. Additionally, they also bring down the high uric acid levels to prevent a painful gout attack. These can be consumed four times a week to stabilize your condition.

Saturated fat
To follow a well-balanced diet plan for arthritis patients, it is necessary to eliminate saturated fat from your meals. Saturated fat present in foods such as red meat and high-fat dairy can result in obesity and trigger inflammation. This not only puts you at the risk of developing arthritis but can also intensify the pain if you are dealing with it.

Refined and processed carbohydrates
Refined and processed carbohydrates have a high glycemic index and can increase inflammation in the body. These include rice, white bread, crackers, potato fries, and various instant meals. Therefore, while controlling your diet, avoid processed and comfort food.

The diet plan for arthritis patients will show significant results only when you exclude sugar from it. Excessive sugar consumption is harmful to your body weight, and it can also aggravate the symptoms of arthritis and cause severe pain in the joints. Hence, you need to reduce the consumption of candies, sweets or anything that is high in sugar.

By combining numerous dietary and lifestyle changes, you can effectively control the symptoms of arthritis. Mentioned above are various foods to consume and avoid to generate a highly beneficial diet plan for arthritis patients.