Foods That Help to Improve Bipolar Depression

Foods That Help to Improve Bipolar Depression

Bipolar depression or bipolar disorder is a condition that causes random mood swings that range from mania to depression and lethargy. Treatment for bipolar depression is usually long term and includes medications and psychotherapy. While food cannot treat the condition, there are superfoods that can help in bipolar depression by altering your mood. Check such food options here.

You might be surprised, but beans top the list of superfoods that can help in bipolar depression. Beans are a rich source of folic acid. Some studies prove that people who have lesser levels of folic acid in the body have higher levels of amino acid homocysteine, leading to an increased chance of mood swings and bipolar disorder. Eat beans to combat this issue.

It is not a coincidence that people who feel low end up picking a large chocolate bar to munch on. Chocolates contain a mood-lifting neurotransmitter called phenylethylamine, which can help make a person feel happy and sated. Dark chocolate, especially, is rich in phenylethylamine. Having one serving of dark chocolate every day can help you handle bipolar depression easily.

Omega 3 fatty acids
Another category in the list of superfoods that can help in bipolar depression is those rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Did you know that a study concluded people living in countries that include a lot of fish (rich in omega 3) in their diet have the lowest records of depression and other mental health problems? Omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, act as antioxidants, prevent brain cell damage, and keeps mental health problems away.

Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are also included in the list of foods that can help in bipolar depression because of its high levels of vitamin B9 (folate). Among all the nuts and seeds, sunflower seeds have the highest amounts of folic acids and are perfect for everyday consumption. You can roast and eat sunflower seeds like a snack or powder it and add to salads, shakes, and soups.

Yes, the humble bananas help handle a complex mental health condition like bipolar depression easily. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and B6 and are known to improve serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a hormone that modulates mood.

Green tea
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, green tea is also a great food that can balance out the mood and protect the brain cells from damage. You can cut back on your caffeine intake and try out herbal green teas to get its benefits.

Bipolar disorder can be a difficult condition to manage all alone. Take help from your friends and family and be in touch with your doctor. Switch your diet plan from eating unhealthy junk to picking up these foods to help in bipolar depression.