Keep Dandruff at Bay with These Hair Care Routines

Keep Dandruff at Bay with These Hair Care Routines

An itchy scalp and white flakes on the shoulder is one of the worst nightmares. Dandruff is a common skin health issue that makes the scalp excessively dry. These dry skin particles cause irritation and itchiness on the scalp and often cover the area around your shoulders, and they’re most easily visible on dark clothes. Additionally, dandruff worsens if a proper hair care routine is not followed, so here’s a list of hair care routines to curb dandruff:

Keep your hair and scalp clean
It’s necessary to keep your hair clean and protected from environmental pollutants. Exposing your hair to heat, pollution, and harsh weather can leave it dirty and oily. Also, excessive oil and sweat on the scalp can worsen dandruff, so always wear a headscarf, hat, or cap to keep your hair from getting damaged. Dry your scalp after exercise or on a particularly hot day.

Follow a healthy diet
Eating healthy benefits your body, but it also improves your hair health. A diet rich in necessary macro- and micro-nutrients is one of the best hair care routines to curb dandruff. To be specific, you should eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and biotin. These nutrients help maintain good scalp as well as hair health.

Use anti-dandruff home remedies
Try these effective home remedies for a dandruff-free scalp:

  • Make a fine powder of two Aspirin tablets and mix it with your regular shampoo. Lather and keep the shampoo on your scalp for a few minutes, and then rinse well with water. Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which works as an anti-dandruff therapy.
  • Mix two spoons of edible soda and water to make a smooth paste. Apply it gently on the scalp and rinse with water after 8-10 minutes. Do not shampoo your hair when you use soda.
  • You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo to treat dandruff issues.
  • Squeeze half a lemon and apply it thoroughly on your scalp. Leave it on for 30-40 minutes ad rinse off with water.

Avoid oiling your hair
Contrary to common belief, applying oil on your scalp as an anti-dandruff remedy can have a reverse effect and might even aggravate dandruff. Oil forms a layer on the scalp that locks out moisture. This blockage in the hair follicles can lead to further damage and flakes.

Opt for hot towel therapy
Include this therapy in your hair care routine to curb dandruff and moisturize your scalp. Immerse a towel in hot water, wring out excess water, and wait until the towel gets warm. Ensure that the towel is not extremely hot as it can damage your hair. Wrap the warm towel around your head and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

Along with following these hair care routines to curb dandruff, it is always advisable to visit a dermatologist for expert advice if the problem persists.