Learn About the Risk Factors and Ways to Prevent Anemia

Learn About the Risk Factors and Ways to Prevent Anemia

Anemia is the condition where the hemoglobin levels in the body drop below a healthy level. Your whole body needs a good dose of oxygen to function normally, and any change in the red blood cells can affect this. Here is a round-up of risk factors and prevention tips for anemia. 

Risk factors and prevention tips for anemia

Risk factors

  • Women are known to be more vulnerable to anemia than men. Regular menstruation leads to the loss of blood from the body. This increases their risk of developing anemia unless they consume iron-rich foods.
  • Most of the significant sources of iron are in the meat category. Though there are plenty of vegetables and pulses that contain iron, meat is the most effective source. Therefore, women who are vegetarians should be careful about their daily iron intake, or they would fall in the high-risk category.
  • Children with lower than normal birth weight are at higher risk of anemia. Children, in general, are at higher risk than adults.
  • Pregnant women should also check their hemoglobin levels. Anemia induced during pregnancy is very common.
  • People who are constantly malnourished are at risk. Therefore, their diet should include a healthy balance of essential macronutrients to reduce the risks of anemia.

Prevention tips

Besides knowing the risk factors and prevention tips for anemia, you should also make the necessary changes to your diet. This will help you maintain healthy red blood cells and lower the chances of anemia.

  • Children should consume iron-rich food as part of their daily diet to reduce their risk of anemia. The same applies to adults who are in the high-risk category. Iron supplements might also be prescribed to prevent anemia. Vegetarians might benefit from supplementing their diet with iron supplements. Do not consume iron supplements without consulting your doctor.
  • Too much caffeine can increase anemia risks. To ensure that the body can absorb iron from your daily diet, reduce your intake of caffeine.
  • Vitamin C is important for preventing anemia. It is present in citrus fruits and can easily be included in the diet.
  • For kids who are at higher risk of anemia, folic acid supplements, or even an increase in folic acid-rich foods, can reduce the risk of anemia.
  • There are various foods that are rich sources of iron, and consuming them will naturally improve one’s hemoglobin levels.

These risk factors and prevention tips for anemia can help both men and women. Eating the right food and focusing on physical fitness can prevent one from becoming anemic.