Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage Colon Cancer

Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, occurring mostly in adults in the old age, is the type of cancer that affects the large intestine. The various stages of colon cancer would be treated through different treatment methods. No matter the treatment plan, you can always make some changes to your regular diet and fitness to naturally support the treatment. These lifestyle changes to manage colon cancer make living with this cancer slightly easier.

Control the carbs
Carbohydrates are very difficult to digest. When you are suffering from colon cancer, the focus should be on reducing the strain on your colon. You should, therefore, avoid food items that are heavily loaded with carbs. Too many carbohydrates in the diet can lead to difficulty in digestion in patients with colon cancer.

Red meat should be controlled
A similar effect like carbohydrate happens with the consumption of red meat as well. This can be difficult to digest for patients with colon cancer. It is alright to include a small portion of red meat now and then. But more than 4 ounces of red meat in a single meal can be strenuous on the colon.

Start physical exercises
An increase in physical activity can be good for colon health. When you start exercising regularly, your digestion improves. This is a significant change for colon cancer patients. Simple exercises like walking can also be useful. This is easy on the joints for older adults with cancer. Make sure that you get at least half an hour of physical activity each day.

Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can aggravate the symptoms associated with colon cancer. Therefore, it is important to change the diet and other lifestyle habits so that your bodyweight gets back to the healthy range.

Dietary changes
Include food items that are rich in dietary fiber. Diarrhea is common in people with colon cancer. Softer and easy to digest food items are essential. Ensure that you include a healthy dose of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in your everyday diet. Reduce the consumption of processed food items as much as you can.

Avoid alcohol and smoking
Smoking cigarettes and consumption of alcohol can both do severe damage in people who have colon cancer. This can also reduce the survival rate drastically.

Keep a check on your stress levels
Cancer can get stressful. So, along with making the other lifestyle changes to manage colon cancer include meditation or yoga. This lets you manage stress and fight cancer better.

By making these lifestyle changes to manage colon cancer , you can easily improve your treatment’s efficiency. It would also be of huge help in preventing cancer from spreading rapidly to the other parts. These are also the changes that can help in extending your survival rate, even when the cancer has already progressed.