Effective Natural Treatments for Dry Eyes

Effective Natural Treatments for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is a condition that can be temporary or chronic. The temporary condition is most often caused due to environmental factors. However, chronic dry eyes could be a result of an underlying condition. There are a number of treatments available for dry eyes such as OTC eye drops and prescription medications. Listed below are some of the alternative remedies for dry eye.

  • Natural alternative remedies for dry eyes There are quite a few natural treatments that can help to soothe chronic dry eyes. Some of these are:
    • Massaging the eyelids – Close your eyes and use a mild soap or baby shampoo to gently massage your eyelids with your fingertips.
    • A warm cloth – Placing a warm wet cloth over the eye for 5 minutes can help relieve dry eyes.
    • Omega-3 supplements – Although research is ongoing in this area, increasing your intake of omega-3 rich foods such as fish, including salmon and sardines or flax seeds, can provide relief from dry eyes. You can also opt for omega-3 fatty acid supplements.
    • Castor oil – Using castor oil eye drops can reduce the evaporation of tears and moisture from the eye, relieving symptoms of dry eyes. You can use artificial tear eye drops that contain castor oil. It is advisable to consult your doctor before trying any alternative remedies for dry eyes.
  • Other alternative remedies for dry eyes
    • Acupuncture – According to a study, acupuncture can help reduce pain and inflammation, which can decrease eye irritation. Acupuncture can also relieve symptoms of dry eyes and be as beneficial as artificial tears. However, more research is needed to confirm the benefits of acupuncture.
    • Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy – This alternative treatment is mostly used to treat the symptoms of acne and rosacea. However, in a study pertaining to dry eyes, 93% of individuals reported that this therapy helped soothe and relieve symptoms of dry eyes.
  • Lifestyle changes as one of the alternative remedies for dry eyes The below listed lifestyle changes can help relieve chronic dry eyes.
    • Increasing blinking or taking regular breaks while using a computer or other digital screens.
    • Increasing water consumption to stay hydrated.
    • Quitting smoking or limiting exposure to second-hand smoke.
    • To prevent the evaporation of tears, you can wear sunglasses with side shields.
    • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air when it is hot and dry.
    • Wearing special contacts that help protect the surface of the eye and prevent moisture from escaping.

Consult your doctor for the best treatments and alternative remedies for dry eyes that will be most effective for your condition.