Nasal Polyps – Possible Causes and Treatment Options

Nasal Polyps – Possible Causes and Treatment Options

Nasal polyps are abnormal growths on the linings of the nasal passage and the sinuses. These are non-tumor growths that resemble teardrops. Nasal polyps can cause uncomfortable symptoms like a runny nose, stuffiness in the nasal passage, and post-nasal drip. Here are the top causes and treatment options for nasal polyps that you should know about.

Causes of nasal polyps

  • Chronic allergies and inflammation
    Sometimes, chronic inflammation in the nasal passage or sinuses because of allergies can result in the development of nasal polyps. People with recurring allergies in the nasal passage have a high chance of developing these teardrop-shaped growths and all its related symptoms.
  • Non-allergic asthma
    Another top cause of nasal polyps that you should know about is non-allergic asthma. Non-allergic asthma is a condition that does not develop because of specific allergy triggers. It can develop at any point in life. Many people with non-allergic asthma have been known to develop nasal polyps with time.
  • Bacterial and viral infections
    Another common cause of nasal polyps are recurrent bacterial and viral infections. Scientists believe that the body’s constant immune response to these infections can result in the formation of polyps.
  • Cystic fibrosis
    Cystic fibrosis is a condition that causes abnormally thick mucus in the nasal passage. Some doctors suggest that this, too, can trigger the development of nasal polyps.

Treatment options for nasal polyps

  • Steroid nasal sprays and drops
    One of the basic treatment options to know about are steroid-based sprays or drops. These help shrink the polyps quickly by reducing inflammation. These are effective for mild forms of polyps and are usually suggested as primary treatment options.
  • Steroid tablets
    For people with slightly larger polyps, steroid pills may be suggested along with nasal sprays or drops. This solution can bring even quicker results.
  • Generic treatment options
    Since some of the symptoms of nasal polyps can be inflammation, swelling, and infections, you may also have to be treated with generic medications to handle individual symptoms. These medications include antibiotics, anti-fungal drugs, and antihistamines.
  • Surgery
    If none of the above treatment options seem to work, then the polyps may need to be removed surgically. Most times, an endoscopic procedure is recommended. The surgeon will insert a small tube with cameras into the nose, spot the polyp, and then remove it. This can offer lasting relief.

All these causes and treatment options for nasal polyps are common all over the country. Your treatment option will vary based on severity and size of the polyp. There is growing research in this area to find out drugs that effectively target particular cells and reduce the symptoms of the condition.