Ovarian Cancer – Food to Eat and Avoid

Ovarian Cancer – Food to Eat and Avoid

Following a healthy diet when diagnosed with ovarian cancer is an ideal way to combat the disease. Eating a balanced diet will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to cope and manage your condition better. Healthy eating is, therefore, necessary during and after treatment. Some of the foods to eat and avoid when having ovarian cancer are listed below.

Foods to eat and avoid for patients with ovarian cancer
Foods to consume

  • Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables
    You would find these foods listed at the very top on all the lists of foods to eat and avoid for ovarian cancer. This is because fruits and vegetables are packed with minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that the body requires for overall good health, especially when fighting a cancer condition. Examples of these are apples, blueberries, peppers, and strawberries.
  • Foods rich in selenium
    According to a research study published in BMC Cancer, consuming foods rich in selenium such as Brazil nuts, turkey, eggs, baked beans, shrimp, and tuna could reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. This is because this mineral acts as an antioxidant in the body and reduces cell damage caused by free radicals.
  • Foods containing lignans
    Flaxseeds, beans, berries, pumpkin seeds, whole grains such as oats, barley, and rye contain a substance known as lignans.  According to a study , lignans can help to prevent ovarian cancer. These foods are also high in fiber, which can help to manage weight.

Foods to avoid

  • Foods with dietary acrylamide
    Dietary acrylamide is a chemical by-product that is found in potato chips, French fries, and processed snacks. It is formed due to the exposure of the starch in certain foods to very high temperatures. Many studies and research, including the International Agency for Research on Cancer, have stated that dietary acrylamide could be a carcinogen.
  • Gas-forming foods
    Among the  foods to eat and avoid for ovarian cancer,  certain foods such as beans and certain vegetables, including cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage, although healthy, could aggravate the symptoms of gas and bloating. This is because they contain sulfur and a carbohydrate known as raffinose that is difficult to digest. It would be better to limit your consumption of these items or cook them thoroughly to digest them better. Also, avoiding milk, especially if you are lactose intolerant. This might help to avoid gas and bloating.
  • Insoluble fiber
    If you suffer from diarrhea, limit your intake of items rich in fiber. Also, opt for caffeine-free beverages and juices with minimal sugar. Avoiding fatty and greasy foods might also be beneficial as they could cause digestive issues.
  • To prevent bowel obstruction
    A blockage in the intestines that do not allow foods and fluid to pass can sometimes occur in individuals with ovarian cancer. If you develop bowel obstruction, you should avoid consuming raw vegetables, cooked or raw corn, coarse whole grains, bran, meat with casings, and chunky peanut butter.

Ensure that you keep these foods in mind when formulating your diet plan. This will help you to manage your condition better.