Points to Remember While Traveling with a Pregnant Pet

Points to Remember While Traveling with a Pregnant Pet

Traveling with pets can be fun and exciting. However, when it comes to tagging along your pregnant pets, you need to take several measures to ensure their safety and comfort. Your pregnant pets and their babies are vulnerable during the first few weeks, so you would want to avoid traveling in this period. Listed below are some more tips for traveling with a pregnant pet that you can note down.

  • Take adequate food supply
    During pregnancy, your pets will require a lot more food than their normal diet. To meet their food requirements and to help your pets safely reach the desired destination, you must take an adequate supply of food with you. This way, you can provide sufficient nutrition to the mother and the babies.
  • Offer her food at frequent intervals
    The tips for traveling with a pregnant pet also suggest feeding them at regular intervals. If your pet is heavily pregnant, she will have to be frequently fed small meals. With the babies constantly exerting pressure on her stomach, she will not be able to eat a lot in one go. You will have to stop your car more often to feed her.
  • Allow her to relieve herself
    Similar to frequent food intervals, you will also have to stop your car to help your dog easily relieve herself. The babies continuously exert pressure on the bladder which further forces the pregnant pet to urinate more than usual.
  • Carry the travel-anxiety medication
    If your pet suffers from travel-anxiety, then you must include this point in the list of tips for traveling with a pregnant pet. As any sign of anxiety is unhealthy for both, the mother and the babies. you must always consult your doctor before traveling so that they can offer the right medicines and make other necessary suggestions.
  • Make sure she gets to exercise
    While travelling, you must make sure that your pet is able to exercise her body. This not only assists in maintaining physical health but also alleviates any kind of stress, and keeps her energetic and happy throughout the journey. Continuously sitting in one position can put the pets under stress and they may experience some kind of discomfort.
  • Keep your pet away from other animals
    The tips for traveling with a pregnant pet also recommend distancing your pet from other animals. During the journey, it is not only important to keep your pet away from any environmental dangers but you should also restrict interactions with other animals. This is because an expectant pet is particularly vulnerable to an infectious diseases and may be adversely affected by aggressiveness too.

If you are planning to travel with your expectant pets, you must ensure that they feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the journey. By following the above-mentioned tips for traveling with a pregnant pet, you and your furry friend will be able to enjoy the journey.