Popular Treatment Options for Food Allergies in Dogs

Popular Treatment Options for Food Allergies in Dogs

Dogs require proper care and affection in myriad ways in order to remain active and healthy. Those with food allergies require special attention as such conditions can cause great amount of discomfort. Hence, it becomes necessary to treat these issues at the earliest. So, to guide new and even experienced pet parents, listed below are some of the highly effective and popular treatment options for food allergies in dogs.

  • Follow an elimination diet
    The most effective way to treat allergies in dogs is to eliminate the cause of the allergy. In an elimination diet, all you have to do is remove the different foods that are suspected to be the potential cause behind the allergy. Once you are able to identify the food products, it becomes easier to treat the condition. Common triggers are items like eggs, beef, chicken and dairy.
  • Provide prescribed medication
    Medication is undoubtedly one of the popular treatment options for food allergies in dogs. If you find your dog suffering from constant itching, diarrhea or vomiting, then it is better to consult a vet. After closely examining the condition, the vet will provide topical creams and tablets to cure the allergy. This way, you are able to offer a proper treatment to your dog and prevent the pooch’s condition from worsening. As in severe cases, the allergic reaction may also become life-threating.
  • Try a hypoallergenic diet
    In contrast to the elimination diet, a hypoallergenic diet includes those food products that are less likely to cause any allergic reaction. However, there is no such common diet for every dog as something that may trigger an allergic reaction in one pet might be completely safe for others. While planning this diet, you can definitely include duck meat as it is an excellent source of protein and is a hypoallergenic food.
  • Feed them supplements
    In the long list of popular treatment options for food allergies in dogs, you can also include various supplements. These include nutrients that help boost the immune system of your dog and fight the symptoms of allergies. Multivitamins, fish oil, digestive enzymes, and glucosamine are some of the widely recommended supplements that can bring a significant change in your dog’s conditions.
  • Avoid feeding readymade treats
    Along with following an elimination or hypoallergenic diet, it is advisable not to feed readymade and flavored treats to your dog. These can contain ingredients that may trigger the symptoms of food allergy in dogs. When it comes to treating your dog’s food allergy, the basic yet the foremost step is to offer them home cooked food so that you can analyze exactly what triggers the condition.

If you observe your dogs showing any signs of food allergy such as itching, vomiting, diarrhea and swelling, then you must take them to the vet immediately for timely treatment.