Symptoms of Food Toxicity to Note in Cats and Dogs

Symptoms of Food Toxicity to Note in Cats and Dogs

Cats and dogs will put anything and everything into their mouth, not understanding what is harmful and what isn’t. This is why vets see thousands of pets being brought in with symptoms of food toxicity. Here are some of the common symptoms of food toxicity in cats and dogs that you should know about so you can catch them immediately and seek medical attention.

  • Vomiting
    One of the most common symptoms of food toxicity in cats and dogs is vomiting. Vomiting is the body’s way of expelling unsafe and toxic ingredients out of the system. If your dog or cat is vomiting continuously and is not able to retain food or water in the system, rush to the vet right away. This condition can lead to extreme dehydration.
  • Diarrhea
    Another way the body tries to fight off food toxicity is by expelling it out through the stools. Toxic foods can cause gut infections and this can lead to diarrhea.
  • Inflammation of the skin
    Depending on what kind of toxic food was consumed and its quantity, another of the common symptoms of food toxicity in cats and dogs can be an inflammation or swelling of the skin. For some cats and dogs, the tongue can also swell and this is dangerous if left untreated. Visit a pet clinic as early as you can for treatment for toxicity.
  • Irregular heartbeats
    One of the most concerning symptoms of food toxicity in cats and dogs that you should check out right away with a doctor is an irregular heartbeat. This mostly happens when the dog or the cat has eaten a poisonous plant or weed. Irregular heartbeats can make the pets tired, fatigued, and sometimes even causes fainting episodes and collapses.
  • Breathing difficulties
    Some of the toxic foods that cats and dogs consume can result in respiratory difficulties, including breathing trouble and rapid breathing. Both these symptoms are to be taken seriously and you should consult your vet right away.
  • Blood in stools and urine
    If your dog or cat has consumed extremely toxic food, then the worrying symptom you should look out for is blood in the urine and stools.
  • Excessive drooling
    In dogs, a very common sign of food poisoning is excessive drooling. You can see your dog drooling all over the house, all through the day it could be because of food toxicity.
  • Chills
    Another very common of the symptoms of food toxicity in cats and dogs is tremors or chills. This happens when the pet’s body temperature increases because of food poisoning and the muscles in the body contract and relax rapidly to help bring down the temperature.

All these symptoms of food toxicity in cats and dogs can occur in different intensities, depending on the size of your pet and the amount of toxic food consumed. If you notice these abnormalities in your furry friends, consult your vet as soon as possible and get the right treatment in place.