Top 6 Safe Snacks for Diabetes

Top 6 Safe Snacks for Diabetes

With diabetes comes strict diet charts with plenty of restrictions on most junk foods. When you have diabetes, you have to ensure that you are eating foods high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats and low in added sugar. Your food choices directly affect your health, so it is important to eat nutrient-dense foods to control your blood sugar level. So, here are some of the healthy snacks safe for diabetics.

Hummus with Veggies
The fiber and protein in chickpeas monitor the absorption of sugar from starch so that your blood sugar level will be in check. This snack can be paired with veggies like carrot sticks, broccoli, pepper, cucumber and celery to enhance its nutritional value. This dip is good for sustaining a healthy blood sugar level.

Among the snacks safe for diabetics, almonds hold special significance. These nutritious snacks contain more than 15 vitamins and are known for decreasing insulin level. Diabetes patients are also more prone to heart strokes and other illnesses. So, it is important to include nutrients such as vitamin E, iron, and protein. You can get all of these from a handful of almonds.

Hard-boiled Eggs
An easy-to-make and super healthy snack for people with diabetes, hard boiled eggs are rich in protein which helps in controlling blood sugar levels. For people with Type 2 diabetes, hard boiled eggs are known as filling snacks. You can enjoy a pair of hard-boiled eggs in the breakfast.

Whole Wheat Crackers
To monitor your blood sugar levels during diabetes, the key is to maintain a healthy balance between carbohydrates and other nutrients. Wheat or other grains are full of fiber, which helps in the smooth functioning of bodily fluid movements. You can either eat these crackers with cheese, healthy dips or Greek yogurt.

To get healthy amount of carbohydrate, eating an apple with its skin is highly beneficial. You can eat apple and peanut butter together. It will fuel your body with nutrients. Peanuts are a good source of carbohydrates needed especially for people with diabetes. Adding peanut butter will also manage your hunger, which keeps you from munching on unhealthy snacks.

Greek Yogurt with Raisins
Enriched with carbohydrates, antioxidants and protein and minerals, this is one of the easy and quick snacks safe for diabetics. Raisins are known for controlling blood sugar level, maintaining healthy blood pressure and promoting overall health. This snack is beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes as their heart’s health is of prime concern.

Choosing healthy snacks safe for diabetics does not have to be tricky. There are some easy snacking options that you can prepare easily. Those sufferig from type-2 diabetes are more prone to obesity, so it is important to snack on nutrient dense foods.