Top Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Top Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the severe types of immune system-related disorders. From the optic nerves to brain cells, the disease can target various areas. The real damage occurs when the protective covering of the neurons in the body starts disintegrating. This leads to grave consequences in the nervous system and, therefore, the symptoms that follow can be severe. There are various therapies that help treat MS.

However, before we talk about these therapies, it should be noted that there are no proven cures that can fully eradicate the condition. The following are some therapies that help treat MS-related symptoms. They can also ensure the proper functioning of the central nervous system post the attack on the nerve cells.

Disease-modifying drugs
Remember that the treatment plan is based on the type of MS the patient experiences. Depending on the symptoms and level of damage, certain types of disease-modifying drugs are administered. The patient would be set on a course of medications from the time of diagnosis indefinitely. The changes in the drugs depend on the type of side-effects the patient experiences. Teriflunomide and dimethyl fumarate are among the drugs that are commonly used. These are known to help control the progression of the condition, and the latter can also help in preventing the immune system from attacking the healthy cells.

Fatigue reduction
This, again, is achieved through medication that can help in restoring the energy levels. Your doctor might also recommend modification of your daily diet so as to maintain your energy levels throughout the day. Exhaustion is one of the most common complaints with most patients with multiple sclerosis. So, to help them lead a normal life the treatment plan also includes a medication routine that reduces fatigue.

Your doctor might connect you to a physiotherapist so that you can begin exercises that help in stretching and loosening the tight and sore muscles. The physical movement might be affected in some patients as the range of motion of joints might be impacted. Therefore, physical therapy is provided to complement the other therapies, so that the patient with MS can continue to lead a normal life. To support the physical exercises that the patient follows, muscle relaxants are prescribed. They make sure that the patient doesn’t suffer from excess stiffness of the muscles, which can affect the normal physical activities throughout the day.

Modified Story Memory Technique
Modified story memory technique (mSMT) is recommended to patients whose MS has progressed so much that their cognitive functions are impacted. It is primarily used to improve memory and learning.

If you are diagnosed with MS, talk to your doctor about the therapies that can be best suited to your specific condition . Technology has improved the efficiency of the treatment options today. While there is no cure for the condition yet, there are several ways to manage it without significant side-effects.